Portfolio Details
Project information
- Name: The Burger - Town
- Project date: October 2024
- Role: UX designer
- Time: 2 months
Details and goals:
The Burger - Town app is an online burger delivery app for the people of my town where there are limited options for delivery of food. We are having a plan to sell burgers online specially for the people with disability and senior citizens. As per the user research, more than 70% pupulations are the people with age of 55 or more, people who don't have a vehicles or don't want to drive due to bad weather all the time. Our goal is to help the people to get burgers at the door steps with few clicks. This app offers dozens of burger options and on-time delivery promises.
The challenge is to understand The burger - town app users' response, discover pain points and propose a solutions to improve their experiences
After the brainstorming I conducted user research and created personas to understand the current problems, analyze pain points and determine priorities. Then i generated task flows and sitemap to understand where in the process users were having a troubles, created Lo-Fi wireframes just in case if i need any iteratation at early stage and the Hi-Fi clickable protytypes. At the end, again I have created a moderated testing with 4 to 5 users just to make sure the pain points are solved by the redesign. The design process timeline was three weeks, now let's deeper into each steps.

Reserach and Create Persona
First I did research to understand the business goal and target audience of the burger - town app. I have conducted interviews of the people in the town, specially who lives in the farm around the town, asked verious stackholders to understand user problems deeply.

Story-board sketch
I draw long and close story board to understand the steps of the process. This helped me to clear a whole picture of the design process.

Sitemap (Information architecture)
I have created sitemap for a steps a user typically goes through in order to complete orders in the Burger - Town app.

Paper Wireframe
I created wireframe and internally usability testing with stackholders, just in case if I need any iteration, I can do that on early stage

Hi-Fi Prototype
Based on my wireframe, I conduct user testing with 5 participants. This time, I added more interaction and features into our final High-Fi Prototype.